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As for me and my house

Writer: joshuajgazzardjoshuajgazzard

Whether or not you believe in God, we all know the church. You might know it as a building. You might know it as a people. You might know it as a place of healing and restoration. You might even know it as a place of pain.

I've grown up in church my whole life, and I've always known the importance of going to church. Everyone needs to go to church right? Or do they?

My family went through a period of life where we were struggling to find a church that we fit in. And we started to think about the church as more than just a building or a gathering. We could do church without Sunday services. And that was my logic in 2023 when I took a job at a campsite called Attunga. It was a long drive to church, so I wouldn't go - the christian work colleagues I lived with could provide me with community. We, the people, we are the church right?

I lived this for about 18 months - not in church much, but still doing life with christian community; I was still doing life with ‘the church’. 

When I moved up to Brisbane full time, I started attending a gathering every Sunday again. I started attending a young adults group every Wednesday as well.

And as I did, I began to notice something.

As I began to spend consistent time in corporate gatherings, God began to reveal areas of my life that had become hardened and distant from God. I began to realise that now I was back in church, how when I had a crap day on a Tuesday, I had a reset moment to give it to God on a Wednesday night. I began to notice that when I felt a little low on a Thursday, I would get a fresh faith within a few days as I gathered with other like minded people on a Sunday morning. 

It’s something I’ve been reflecting on over the past 6 months, and here’s my thoughts so far. Do we have to go to church to be a christian? No. I don’t see that anywhere in the Bible. But I am now strongly convinced that whatever arguments we may throw up, no matter how busy our weeks get, no matter how long it takes us to find a healthy church - God made the church for us not because it’s a nice thing, but because we NEED IT.

Here’s a few reasons why I think this

  1. The church provides faith and encouragement when we are dry

Let's be honest - sometimes life sucks. Sometimes we wake up and we struggle to believe the promises of God. Is he really good? Is he really going to answer my prayers? But when we gather with other like minded people who can share their testimonies (stories) of how God has moved in their lives - it reminds us that just because today is hard, this week is hard, or whatever time period you are in is hard - God isn’t done yet. He’s moved in your life and your friends lives. He still does miracles today. 

  1. Church provides teaching

If you are in a good, Bible based church - then the teaching and understanding of scripture is going to be stronger together. They will challenge your belief, and you will challenge theirs. As iron sharpens iron, so your theology can be sharpened in church

  1. Church provides leadership and prayer covering

A healthy church with healthy leadership will provide vision, leadership, and prayer covering that you can’t give yourself. Personally, I have experienced a rapid amount of growth over the past 6 months. I’ve also been under great leadership, and have multiple prayer warriors (men and women of faith who set aside designated time to pray for the church and the community each week) tell me that they are praying for me. In the words of Dash’s teacher from the Incredibles movie: “Coincidence? I think NOT”

  1. Church isn’t just about you

For all the above listed reasons of how the church helps you grow - we are called to help each other grow. By you being in church, you are able to encourage others when they are dry. You are able to pray specifically into people’s lives. You are able to serve in kids, youth, young adults, prayer, and creative ministries to effect life change. You being in church builds God's kingdom because he has made you uniquely gifted and talented to help others.

This list isn't exhaustive and I could go on, but I worry I’ll start rambling.

I once heard a parent say “Our family going to church is a non negotiable, because we want our children to learn that doing life with God, church included, shouldn’t be something we only do when we feel like it”. I thought that was so cool, and I planned to do that if I ever had kids. 

But why? If I didn’t live it or believe it, why would I encourage my children in it? I thought it sounded cool for sure. But after these last couple of years of my life, I now have a deep seated belief on the matter. Being in church is transformative. Being in church keeps us grounded. Being in church stirs up our passion for relationship with God. Being in church builds our community.

As for me and my house, we will go to church.



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