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Building on Rocks

Writer's picture: joshuajgazzardjoshuajgazzard

Life gets crazy sometimes - the highest mountains and the lowest valleys. Right now, I'm at the bottom of what seems like the lowest valley and I don't understand why I'm here. I have regrets and I'm holding onto hope that things will change, however I also know that they might not. This might be the end of something I place immense value in.

So how do I react? Whats my reaction when everything seems to be falling apart and the easy option is to run away? In the past that's exactly what I've done when I'm struggling - I run away. I take a weekend off at the least, or at worst I've moved cities. But this time I decided to take a different approach - to lean on the God to whom I've entrusted my life. It sounds simple and obvious if your a believer and probably naive if your not but I have come to a revolutionary decision - if I claim that my life is built on the rock of God, then I can be unshakable in the hardest storms. My joy is not is a situation, a job or a relationship - its in God. My strength is not a circumstance, a bank account or skill set - its in God. My life is built on His rock - and so on this rock I will stand.

I am running again - but this time into the open arms of God. I am crying out to Him instead of crying on my bed. I am pursuing Him when I don't know what to do. I am building my life on this rock - and here I will take my stand. Upon this rock I am unshakeable - I can feel emotion and pain and see the problem - but it cannot shake me when I stand on this rock. I can still walk through valleys - but with this rock beneath my feet I will not stay in the valley. I should be in immense pain but instead I have immense peace. I should be falling apart but instead I am standing strong. History tells me I should isolate myself but instead I am talking and praying this through with people. As I pray and fast for God's presence and guidance I am seeing a shift in my perspective. And this storm is still effecting me - I still feel wind and the water and struggle - But the difference is that now I'm building my life on this rock I can't be scared off of it.

Matthew 7:24-25 24 “Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. 25 And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock.

(original post September 8, 2019)

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