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Now more than ever before

Writer's picture: joshuajgazzardjoshuajgazzard

God - why is it like this?

Why am I trapped in a circular system, unsure how to get better, be better, or stay better?

How did you pay a price so high to leave me so low?

How did I come to a place of complete ...apathy

Why am I here in this place now?

Why am I still here?

You God, you made the mountains that make my heart come alive

You God, you crafted the waterfalls that cause adventure to churn within me

You God, you made these people who I do life with, who love me for me

You God, you created this life I live and everything in it

When I think about it all, all that you've done for me, I have no words

When I think back to that child I once was, scared and confused

To now look at who I have become

When I think back to the suicidal thoughts that plagued me

To now live life with freedom and joy

When I think back to the agony of hating myself

To now know that I am loved and made worthy by you

When I think back to the nights spent crying myself to sleep

To now knowing that I can rest in the peace of your presence

When I think back to younger Josh and all that he faced

To now be able to see all that you have brought me through

When I think back to the past and consider the journey you have brought me on

No words describe the unwarranted love you have given to me

I do not have the words or the eloquence to give you the praise that you deserve

I do not have the time nor the ability to pour out my whole heart towards you

With everything that I am, I will fight to be with you

With everything that I do, I desire to bring you glory and honour and praise

Yet through all of this - why do I still stumble?

Why do I live a life trapped by things that I neither enjoy nor desire?

Why do I so predictably fail you time and time again?

Why am I still living trapped by the same old lies?

Why, when I wake up, does my phone win the battle for my attention?

Why, through the day, are my actions driven more by money than by love?

Why, at night, are my last thoughts of my failures within the day and the need I have for improvement

Rather than of the overwhelming love and grace that you pour out on me despite my flaws?

How, knowing what I know, can I choose what I choose?

How can I spend hours learning music, writing, upskilling and earning money

Yet fail to make even fifteen minutes to sit and be with the one who I need most?

How can I have the discipline to run, eat healthily, and budget

Yet not muster the discipline to do what I most desperately need - lay it all at your feet?

How can I look at the giants that stand in my path before me

Yet not fall to my knees in prayer and surrender?

You God, you are who I love

You God, you are who I need

You God, you are who has never failed me

You God, to you I give my all

Yet here I am, on the edge of defeat

Lacking the strength to continue this fight tonight

I know that tomorrow is a new day

But I also know that so was today

If I failed then, what can I change to find success?

My God, I need you

My God, I need you



And not because I am suicidal

Not because my heart has been broken

Not because I have nowhere else to turn

Not only because I feel inadequate

But because I know that whether I am filled with joy or with sorrow

I need you more now than ever before

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